Religion Department


The purpose of the freshman scripture class is to provide students with an understanding of the “big picture” of Salvation History as communicated to humanity through the Word of God.  Through this study, students are invited into a deeper understanding of the loving relationship between the Creator and His Creation, and they are provided with a solid foundation for future scripture study.


Students will explore the content and spirit of the Roman Catholic Church’s teaching on morality so that they will possess a solid foundation for making moral decisions. Through the application of faith and reason, students will examine the fundamental aspects of Moral Theology, including the Moral Law, the Natural Law, conscience, freedom, virtue, the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, and the Precepts of the Roman Catholic Church. Contemporary moral issues, to include an extensive discussion on the Christian principles of marriage, family life, and human sexuality, will be addressed in light of the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Roman Catholic Church.


Roman Catholic Theology is divided into three parts:  natural theology of the human person, the study of theology in the situation of the 21st century, and an overview of theology from the Catholic perspective.  Through the use of lectures, slides, and readings, students will learn to assess themselves from the Catholic point of view, study the decline of Christianity in the West, and develop a solid theological foundation.


Students will study Wisdom Literature in the Scriptures (Ecclesiastes, Job, Songs) and the writings of several modern Christian authors such as Tolkien and Lewis.  The Catholic mindset will be investigated through an overview of Christian art and architecture. Students will be able to identify major theological themes of the faith and know the spirituality of the Church through art.  A major research project is required in this course.


Prerequisite: 85% in ROMAN CATHOLIC THEOLOGY

Honors Senior Religion is for the student who is capable of handling abstract concepts.  Students will study the History of Philosophy from the Pre-Socratics to Nietzsche. Philosophical themes and the Catholic mindset are investigated through an overview of Christian art and architecture.  Students will be able to identify the main themes in Philosophy, know the spirituality of the Church through art, and complete a major research project.